Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is very important to tHRive.
tHRive is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites to which the tHRive website may link.
The information collected from you is to enable access to tHRive and to provide services and products you have requested.
Demographic information is only used in summary form to assist us in identifying our audiences and their interests, or to help us develop conclusions about survey results. We do not use this information for other purposes.
We do not sell, trade, or disclose to third parties any customer identifiable information derived from use of the tHRive website. We may disclose information to potential advertisers or sponsors, but this will always be in an aggregated format, with no personally identifiable data.
This website is operated by tHRive from its offices in British Columbia, Canada. By accessing this site, both you and tHRive agree that the statutes and laws of the Province of British Columbia will apply to all matters relating to the use of this website, and you submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of British Columbia with respect to such matters. tHRive makes no representation that the Contents, Services, or any other information on the website are appropriate for use outside Canada. Access to the Contents, Services, or other information on the website may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If you access this site from outside Canada, this is on your own initiative and you are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction. is the property of tHRive human resources partners.
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